
How to Avoid Seasickness on a Yacht Tour

Yacht tours are an exciting way to explore everything the Galapagos Islands has to offer. This archipelago is known for its stunning landscapes, crystal-clear waters, and unique wildlife. However, one of the most common problems people face during yacht tours is seasickness. Feeling nauseous and dizzy can truly ruin a yacht tour, even causing physical discomfort. But, there are ways to reduce the symptoms so that you can make the most out of your Galapagos adventure. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to avoid seasickness so you can enjoy our Sea Lion yacht tour to the fullest.


South Plaza expedition and the Sea Lion Yacht
South Plaza expedition and the Sea Lion Yacht

What causes seasickness?

Seasickness is a form of motion sickness. It’s our body’s normal response when you feel nauseous and/or experience instability. In the case of a day trip on a boat, it typically appears because the person is exposed to unfamiliar movements, meaning most people will get seasick. The faster our body accelerates in one direction or another, the more likely we are to experience motion sickness. For example, most people will also experience motion sickness on merry-go-rounds, rollercoasters, cars, etc.

Sea Lion yacht's itineraries are perfect for kids and families.

Drink Plenty of Water

Dehydration can worsen the symptoms of seasickness. So, it’s important to drink plenty of water before and during your yacht tour, reducing the effects of motion sickness. Also, a carbonated drink, like seltzer or ginger ale, can help with nausea. Besides water, ginger tea or even ginger pills, which have natural anti-inflammatory properties, can reduce nausea and vomiting. Take into consideration that caffeinated beverages, like coffee or soda, can lead to dehydration, making nausea worse. How to avoid seasickness can include staying hydrated, so keep a water bottle at hand.

Avoid Heavy Meals and Alcohol

The day before your yacht tour, avoid drinking alcohol and eating heavy meals. Eating a heavy meal before boarding or consuming alcohol can increase your chances of experiencing seasickness. Alcohol tends to cause dehydration, which can worsen the feeling of nausea and dizziness. On the day of your yacht tour, it’s best to eat a light meal at least an hour before boarding because an empty stomach is more vulnerable to seasickness. While having lunch on board, try to avoid heavy, spicy foods, sweets, and alcohol when possible. Foods like green apples, salted crackers, pretzels, and drinking tea may help preventing seasickness. While peppermint is known for its calming effects, it can help with an upset stomach. So, eating light, healthy, low-fat meals before and during your yacht tour is better.

A delicious soup in the Finch Bay
A delicious soup in the Finch Bay

Focus on a Fixed Point

When you’re on a yacht, it’s easy for your eyes and brain to get confused by the constant swaying motion. This can lead to disorientation and motion sickness. If you are feeling seasick, going out on an open deck to get some fresh air and looking toward the horizon is often helpful. By concentrating on a stable object, you can train your brain to adapt to the boat’s movements and reduce the sensation of seasickness. When possible, stare at a fixed point in the distance, such as the horizon, a lighthouse, or even a cloud; this will help to prevent seasickness. Also, avoid reading, writing, or using your phone for long periods at a time. It also helps to focus on something other than the boat’s motion, so try to keep your mind busy while aboard the ship.

Day-tour aboard of the Sea Lion Yacht
Day-tour aboard of the Sea Lion Yacht

Take Medication

Various medications are available to help prevent or treat motion sickness, from natural remedies to over-the-counter medicines. These medications prevent the brain from receiving signals of nausea and dizziness. This medication works best if you take it before you get motion sickness. So, for better results, take the medication before you board the ship if you’re going on a short trip.
Make sure to talk to your doctor about which medications are best for you, as it may be limited if you’re taking other medications. However, they may cause drowsiness and other side effects, so it’s best to consult with your doctor before taking them. Having a good night’s rest before going on your day trip is also important. Missing sleep and feeling exhausted can make you more susceptible to factors that can cause motion sickness.

A Memorable Experience

A yacht tour is a memorable experience that should be enjoyed to the fullest. However, seasickness can make the trip less enjoyable, so following these tips can help you make the most out of your trip. From drinking plenty of water, avoiding heavy meals and alcohol, focusing on a fixed point, and more. If you’re one of the many travelers who suffer from motion sickness, seasickness can be particularly challenging. So, knowing how to avoid seasickness will surely help you to have an unforgettable yacht tour experience. Our yacht offers daily tours and stability during your journey, avoiding seasickness.

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